Pullman-Standard Four-Wheel Passenger Trucks

The Pullman-Standard riveted four-wheel passenger truck was used on a variety of cars from the 1890's to the 1920's (with some of them lasting all the way into the 1960s). Trucks in this style are available from a number of N scale manufacturers. To wit -

MDC/Roundhouse used them on their 50' wood express reefers and Overland passenger cars. Now made by Athearn, these trucks have been upgraded with automatic couplers. And for whatever strange reason, Athearn calls them "Commonwealth" trucks (catalog #90629) -

Bachmann used them on their "shorty" heavyweights -

Wheels of Time used them on their various Harriman cars -

Atlas used them on their 60' heavyweights -

Micro-Trains used them on their single window heavyweight coaches -

Bachmann also uses a slightly different Pullman-style truck on their heavyweight coach (the trailer that comes with their gas-electric). I'm not sure what specific prototype it might be based on, but given its lack of rivets/bolts I'm assuming it's a later design -

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