Berkshire Junction - Working traffic lights, among other things
Dallee Electronics - Signal systems and other gizmos
Digitrax, Inc - A manufacturer of popular DCC hardware and decoders
JMRI - DCC computer interface freeware
Lenz - A pioneering manufacturer of DCC systems and decoders
Miller Engineering - Neon signs and other cool electronic widgets
Miniatronics - Lighting and other interesting electronic wizardry
Model Rectifier Corp - Powerpacks, decoders, a DCC system, and all of Model Power's old products
NJ International - Signals and other electronic doodads
North Raleigh Model RR Club - Decoder installation instructions galore (and more)
Northwest Short Lines - Replacement motors, gears and wheelsets for N scale locos
Richmond Controls - Custom lighting accessories
Soundtraxx - DCC sound products
Southern Digital - A great source for decoders
Train Control Systems - Decoder manufacturer
Accurail - Manufacturer of couplers, trucks, etc.
Alkem Scale Models - Manufacturer of assorted detail parts
American Model Builders - Laser-Cut wooden structure kits
Aspenmodel, Inc. - Manufacturer of brass locomotives, etc
Athearn - N scale locomotives and rolling stock
Atlas Railroad Co - N scale locomotives and rolling stock
Bachmann Trains - N scale locomotives and rolling stock
Blair Line - Manufacturer of wooden structure kits (among other things)
Bowser - Freight car manufacturer
Branchline Trains - Manufacturer of wooden structure kits
Broadway Limited Imports - N scale locomotives and rolling stock
Caboose Industries - Ground throw manufacturer
Centerline Products - They make decent track cleaning cars
Chooch Enterprises - Scenery details
Con-Cor - N scale locomotives and rolling stock
Downtown Deco - Plaster building models
ExactRail - Freight cars
Fox Valley Models - N scale locomotives and rolling stock, also all of the old Red Caboose product line
GHQ Models - Manufacturer of pewter locomotive kits, vehicles, etc
Gold Medal Models - Manufacturer of a wide array of detail parts
Intermountain - Manufacturer of locomotives and rolling stock
Kato - N scale locomotives and rolling stock
Ken Ray Models - Steel mill freight car kits
Micro-Trains Line - N scale rolling stock, trucks and couplers
Model Tech Studios - Building kits, details, and more
N Scale Addict - Shapeways shop includes modern grain trucks and other ag machinary
Plastruct - Scratchbuilding supplies and detail parts
Republic Locomotive Works - Wooden building kits, among other things
Rix Products - Manufacturer of structure kits
Sylvan Scale Models - Boat specialist
Tichy Train Group - Freight car kits and parts
TrainCat - Freight car kits and more
Hobbycraft/True Line Trains - Specializes in small runs of Canadian liveried locomotives and rolling stock
Wheels of Time - N scale rolling stock
The N Scale Division - N scale specialist
Fifer Hobby Supply - N Scale specialist
Model Train Stuff - A reputable dealer in all things N scale (and a B&M store, so Athearn stuff is available there)
Hogtrainz - A reputable dealer in all things N scale
Tony's Train Exchange - Another B&M store, and this one actually takes reservations
Bragdon Enterprises - Manufacturers of a great line of weathering products
Woodland Scenics - Manufacturer of amazing layout construction and scenery products
Scenic Express - Manufacturer of scenery products
George Irwin's A1G journal - Everything you ever wanted to know about early Atlas rolling stock
Doug Gosha's A1G journal - Everything you ever wanted to know about early Atlas motive power
Carney Plastics - Model display shelves
Diesel Chronology - A chronological listing of prototype diesel locomotives
Fred Klein - N scale passenger car reference
Micro-Mark - Decal paper and modeling tools manufacturer
UMTRR - George Irwin's "Unofficial Micro-Trains Release Report"
N Scale Vehicle Association - N scale vehicle reference
HO Seeker - Assorted N scale literature (locomotive parts diagrams, etc)
N Scale Database - Database of European N scale models (extensive, but all in German)
Arnold Replacement Parts - Lots of information about old N scale locomotives, including parts diagrams
(but again, all in German) - N scale modeling forum
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