N Scale Layout #5 - Shay Stadium (2007-2009)

Bill of Lading

So, how much does it cost to build a layout? Well, just to see how many people I can successfully scare away from the hobby, I've actually gone ahead and kept track. Hey, if nothing else, it'll give me some idea of what it's worth when it comes time to sell it. Oh, and naturally I've left off all of the heavy-duty electronics (DCC system, etc) that I retain from one layout to the next. So believe me, it's even worse than it looks.

$6Sylvan Scale Models "Assorted Watercraft" (Ye Olde Local Hobby Shop)
$12Con-Cor flatbed tractor w/ log load (eBay)
$136 Buildings (YOLHS):
Cornerstone "Golden Valley Freight House" built-up
Cornerstone "Golden Valley Depot" built-up
Model Power "Gantry Crane" kit
Cornerstone "Mountain Lumber Company" kit
$18Life-Like "Rural Post Office" kit (eBay)
$31Tug boat (eBay)
$139 Buildings (YOLHS):
Cornerstone "Timber Trestle"
Cornerstone "Farmers Cooperative Grain Elevator"
Cornerstone "City Water Tower"
Woodland Scenics "Harrison's Hardware" built-up
$315Assorted paint and glue (YOLHS)
$51Woodland Scenics "Fill'er Up & Fix'er" built-up (eBay)
$53American Model Builders "Transfer Building" (eBay)
$39 Buildings (Walthers):
Model Power "Star Journal"
Heljan "Freight and Passenger Platform"
$77Republic Locomotive Works "McCabe Lumber Log Dump" (republiclocomotiveworks.com)
$57Various sheets of foam insulation (Home Depot)
$17Con-Cor grain truck (eBay)
$49Bragdon Enterprises weathering powder (Bragdon Enterprises)
$16Model Power "Railroad Hotel" (YOLHS)
$30American Model Builders "Ellington Mercantile" (eBay)
$287Assorted Atlas Code-55 track (YOLHS)
$12Plasticville "Water Tank" built-up (YOLHS)
$35Sylvan Scale Models "Railway Car Float" (YOLHS)
$30Assorted Evergreen Scale Models styrene (YOLHS)
$34 Buildings (BLW):
American Model Builders "General Service Building"
American Model Builders "McCormac's Dry Goods"
$502 NJI Crossbuck sets (BLW)
$25New Rail Models "A-Frame Cabin" kit (YOLHS)
$25Blair Line "Blairstown General Store" kit (BLW)
$344 rolls of Woodland Scenics "Plaster Cloth" (YOLHS)
$6Midwest Products Co "Cork Roadbed" (YOLHS)
$6614 Caboose Industries 224S Groundthrows (BLW)
$505 Atlas #205 Connector boxes (YOLHS)
$956 bottles of Woodland Scenics "Realistic Water" (YOLHS)
$41Assorted wire (YOLHS)
$161 quart of "Tiki Hut" flat interior latex paint (Sherwin Williams)
$111 box of Woodland Scenics "Mold-A-Scene" plaster (YOLHS)
$12 wooden dowels (YOLHS)
$27American Model Builders "Interlocking Tower" kit (BLW)
$502 Dallee Electronics #367 "Crossing Flashers" (www.dallee.com)
$7Kramer Products HO Sailboat (#H32) (YOLHS)
$14Sea Port Model Works assorted boat parts (Double Bitt, Search Light, Life Ring) (seaportmodelworks.com)
$81 box of Woodland Scenics "Paving Tape" (YOLHS)
$34American Model Builders "Railroad Rooming House" kit (eBay)
$16Life-Like "Country Cottage" and "Dormer House" kits (YOLHS)
$122Assorted Miniatronics lightbulbs (YOLHS)
$1053 Miniatronics PDB-2's (Power Distribution Blocks) (Miniatronics)
$546 Lo Cascio "Lighted Telephone Poles" (www.lcoriginals.com)
$51 box of Woodland Scenics "Smooth-It" plaster (YOLHS)
$71 bag of Amaco "Sculptamold" plaster (YOLHS)
$8712 bags of Arizona Rock & Mineral ballast (www.rrscenery.com)
$161 jar of Golden Mediums "Fluid Matte Medium" (Blick Art Materials)
$151 package of Cornerstone "Track Bumpers" (YOLHS)
$81 package of Model Power "White Fence" (YOLHS)
$205 Atlas #791 "Mill Lumber Kit" (YOLHS)
$61 package of Arizona Rock & Mineral "Apache Stone Base Color" (YOLHS)
$151 package of Cornerstone "Track Bumpers" (YOLHS)
$42Assorted turf and foliage (YOLHS)
$483 packages of Gold Medal Models "Chain Link Fence" (gohobbies.com)
$453 Tomix "CAT Fork Lifts" (eBay)
$101 package of Busch "Grain Field & Reeds" (YOLHS)
$131Assorted Woodland Scenics Figures (People) (YOLHS)
$652 package of Scenic Express "Buffalo Grass" (scenicexpress.com)
$76Tress 'n' stuff (Walthers):
2 30 packs of Heki "Pine Trees"
2 packs of Neal's N-Gauging Trains "Seagulls"
1 pack of Woodland Scenics "Family Fishing" figures
$73 packs of assorted Midwest Products Co "Micro-Cut Scale Lumber" (YOLHS)
$25NJI Semaphore (eBay)
$61 bottle of Woodland Scenics "Scenic Cement" (YOLHS)
$403 N Scale of Nevada "lumber load" kits (BLW)
$50Keystone Locomotive Works "Band Saw, Edger, Shotgun Carriage and Live Rolls" (YOLHS)
$441Assorted vehicles (eBay/YOLHS)
$614 Model Power #8572 "Railroad Signals" (YOLHS)
$27017 boxes of #306 Heki Pikes (BLW)
$161Assorted stuff (YOLHS):
2 packs of Woodland Scenics "people"
3 20-packs of Busch pine trees
3 30-packs of Heki Pines
$51Assorted tree stuff (YOLHS):
1 70-pack of Woodland Scenics "Pine Tree Armatures"
1 30-pack of Busch pine trees
1 bottle of Woodland Scenics Hob-E-Tac adhesive
2 packages of Woodland Scenics "Forest Blend Underbrush"
$286 14-packs of Woodland Scenics "Stumps" (YOLHS)
$10D4 Bulldozer (eBay/Savonart)
$10Picnic tables (mppmodels)
$141 15-pack of Busch pine trees (YOLHS)
$101 pack of Faller "Garden Chairs & Tables" (YOLHS)
$111 5-pack of Neal's N-Gauging Trains "Seagulls" (YOLHS)
$121 Blair Line "Coal Storage House" (eBay)
$161 30-pack of Busch pine trees (YOLHS)
$151 steam "donkey" (eBay)
$87Assorted stuff (YOLHS):
1 60-pack of Busch pine trees
3 packs of Woodland Scenics "human" figures
$51 Kramer Products "forklift" (YOLHS)
$541 Vollmer "Smoke Generator" (770-4114) (Toy Train Heaven)
$161 Plastruct "Umbrella Table" 3-pack (Toy Train Heaven)

Shay Stadium main page

Part 1 - Buildings

Part 2 - Base construction, tracklaying & wiring (and more buildings)

Part 3 - Roads, lighting and scenery (and yet more buildings)

Part 4 - Scenery, detailing (and yet more lighting)

Part 5 - Trees, detailing, and the end of the line

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