N Scale Layout #4 (2007) - The Ultimate Roundy-Rounder

Bill of Lading

So, how much does it cost to build a layout? Well, just to see how many people I can successfully scare away from the hobby, I've actually gone ahead and kept track. Hey, if nothing else, it'll give me some idea of what it's worth when it comes time to sell it. Oh, and naturally I've left off all of the heavy-duty electronics (DCC system, etc) that I retain from one layout to the next. So believe me, it's even worse than it looks.

$94 2 X 4's (Home Depot)
$1Nails (workshop supplies)
$302 sheets of 4' X 8' X 1.5" pink insulation (Home Depot)
$666 bottles of Woodland Scenics Foam Tack Glue (YOLHS)
$556 rolls of Woodland Scenics Plaster Cloth (YOLHS)
$3713 sets of Atlas Code 80 terminal joiners (YOLHS)
$211 Kato Unitrack "Double Truss Bridge" (YOLHS)
$16914 Atlas #6 manual turnouts (YOLHS)
$10433 packs of assorted Atlas straight/curved Code 80 track sections, 6 pieces per pack (YOLHS)
$2831 pieces of 36" Midwest Products Co. cork roadbed (YOLHS)
$5214 pieces of Atlas Code 80 flex track (YOLHS)
$301 Cornerstone "Merchant's Row II" building kit (YOLHS)
$51 can of cheap interior latex paint (workshop supplies)
$404 boxes of Woodland Scenics 2" foam risers (YOLHS)
$754 Atlas standard remote control turnouts (YOLHS)
$244 cans of Floquil "Grimy Black" spray paint (YOLHS)
$183 cans of Floquil "Flat Finish" spray paint (YOLHS)
$213 bottles of Model Master liquid cement (YOLHS)
$51 bottle of Floquil "Reefer Gray" paint (YOLHS)
$102 bottles of Floquil "Dark Green" paint (YOLHS)
$51 bottle of Floquil "Roof Brown" paint (YOLHS)
$102 bottles of Woodland Scenics "Concrete" pigment (YOLHS)
$51 bottle of Woodland Scenics "Stone Gray" pigment (YOLHS)
$122 cans of Floquil "Reefer Gray" spray paint (YOLHS)
$121 DPM "Otto's Parts" kit (YOLHS)
$121 DPM "Bruce's Bakery" kit (YOLHS)
$393 packages of Gold Medal Models "Chain Link Fence W/Gates" (Online Trains)
$31 Cal-Freight "Dumpster" (Online Trains)
$122 cans of Testors "Flat White" spray paint (YOLHS)
$5Weatherwash- India Ink + Rubbing Alcohol (art supply store)
$30Bragdon Enterprises weathering powder kit (Bragdon Enterprises)
$122 cans of Floquil "Boxcar Red" spray paint (YOLHS)
$183 cans of Floquil "Concrete" spray paint (YOLHS)
$252 DPM "Hayes Hardware" kits (YOLHS)
$851 Cornerstone "Empire Leather Tanning Complex" kit (Brooklyn Locomotive Works)
$51 bottle of Floquil "Rail Brown" paint (YOLHS)
$243 sets of Woodland Scenics decals (Woodland Scenics)
$61 can of Floquil "Bright Silver" spray paint (YOLHS)
$869 sets of Shire Graphics DPM building inserts (Neal's N-Gauging Trains)
$183 cans of Floquil "Rail Brown" spray paint (YOLHS)
$141 Model Power water tower (YOLHS)
$122 cans of Floquil "Dark Green" spray paint (YOLHS)
$51 can of Testors "Dull Cote" (YOLHS)
$121 DPM "Erik's Emporium" kit (YOLHS)
$121 DPM "Cricket's Saloon" kit (YOLHS)
$91 Tobias Locomotive Works interior/roof for DPM "Cricket's Saloon" (DCC Train)
$111 Tobias Locomotive Works interior/roof for DPM "Corner Apothecary" (DCC Train)
$301 Cornerstone "Steel Water Tank" Built-Up (YOLHS)
$597 Atlas "Connector" boxes (YOLHS)
$196 sheets of Micro-Mark laser printer decal paper (Micro-Mark)
$424 eye-hooks (Ace Hardware)
$145 spools of Model Power "2 conductor" wire (YOLHS)
$268 Caboose Industries groundthrows (YOLHS)
$121 DPM "Corner Apothacary" kit (YOLHS)
$131 DPM "Crestone Credit Union" kit (Lo Cascio)
$91 Lo Cascio "Cafe" interior kit for DPM's "Bruce's Bakery" kit (Lo Cascio)
$151 Lo Cascio "Pool Hall" interior kit for DPM's "Crestone Credit Union" kit (Lo Cascio)
$101 Lo Cascio interior lighting kit (Lo Cascio)
$141 DPM "Reed's Books" kit (YOLHS)
$122 cans of Floquil "Roof Brown" spray paint (YOLHS)
$501 Cornerstone "Santa Fe-Style Brick Depot With Freight House" kit (YOLHS)
$251 Cornerstone "State Street Stores" kit (eBay)
$51 Micro-Trains Uncoupling Magnet (YOLHS)
$111 Tobias Locomotive Works interior/roof for DPM "Bruce's Bakery" (DCC Train)
$121 Tobias Locomotive Works interior/roof for DPM "Crestone Credit" (DCC Train)
$121 Tobias Locomotive Works interior/roof for DPM "Roadkill Cafe" (DCC Train)
$122 cans of Model Master "Flat Lacquer Overcoat" spray paint (YOLHS)
$101 Micro-Trains magnetic uncoupling track (YOLHS)
$131 DPM "Roadkill Cafe" kit (YOLHS)
$141 DPM "Trackside Transfer" kit (YOLHS)
$5914 sheets of Woodland Scenics 1/2" foam (YOLHS)
$71 box of Woodland Scenics 1" risers (YOLHS)
$71 box of Woodland Scenics 1/2" risers (YOLHS)
$63 sheets of .032" aluminum (YOLHS)
$5025 Woodland Scenics human figures (YOLHS)
$224 Atlas warren truss bridges (YOLHS)
$151 Cornerstone "University Avenue Shops" kit (eBay)
$361 Rix "150 Foot Highway Overpass" kit (YOLHS)
$501 DPM "Jerry Riggs Quick Service" kit (YOLHS)
$171 Cornerstone "Brick Smokestacks" modular pack (YOLHS)
$222 Cornerstone "Small Walls, Windows & Doors" modular packs (YOLHS)
$222 Cornerstone "Large Walls & Windows" modular packs (YOLHS)
$111 Cornerstone "Foundation & Loading Docks" modular pack (YOLHS)
$111 Cornerstone "Flat & Peaked Roofs With Base" modular pack (YOLHS)
$111 Cornerstone "Wall Columns & Caps" modular pack (YOLHS)
$101 Lo Cascio "Cafe" interior kit for DPM's "Roadkill Cafe" kit (Lo Cascio)
$131 Lo Cascio "Office" interior kit for DPM's "Hayes Hardware" kit (Lo Cascio)
$633 Miniatronics "Power Distribution Blocks (PDB-1)" (YOLHS)
$91 five-pack of Miniatronics "Yeloglo White LEDs" (YOLHS)
$525 ten-packs of Miniatronics 12V, 50mA, 5.5mm "Incandescent Lamps" (YOLHS)
$341 Cornerstone "Red Wing Milling" kit (YOLHS)
$131 DPM "Char's Soda Shoppe" kit (YOLHS)
$484 NJ International "Crossing Gate Signals W/LEDs" (eBay)
$141 DPM "Corner Turret Building" kit (YOLHS)
$191 Cornerstone "Jim's Repair Shop" kit (YOLHS)
$111 Cornerstone "Roof Details" modular pack (YOLHS)
$111 Shire Graphics DPM window insert set for "Char's Soda Shoppe" (YOLHS)
$91 bottle of "Flash Black" super glue (YOLHS)
$113 sheets of Woodland Scenics 1/4" foam (YOLHS)
$344 Walthers "Instant Horizons" backdrops (YOLHS)
$171 DPM "Wilhelm's Mercantile" kit (YOLHS)
$181 DPM "Hilltowne Hotel" kit (YOLHS)
$191 City Classics "401 Crafton Ave Service Station" kit (YOLHS)
$371 Cornerstone "Bralick Building" kit (YOLHS)
$172 packs of Model Power "Sitting People" (YOLHS)
$81 sheet of Woodland Scenics 2" foam (YOLHS)
$51 sheet of Woodland Scenics 1" foam (YOLHS)
$191 Heljan "Drug Store" kit (YOLHS)
$501 Cornerstone "American Hardware" kit (YOLHS)
$1274 Miller Engineering animated signs and power converter (Miller Engineering)
$221 package of Dynamat sound insulation (Ultimate Electronics)
$436 bottles of Woodland Scenics "Earth Undercoat" (YOLHS)
$566 packages of Pre-Size "Cut Stone Retaining Walls" (YOLHS)
$151 jar of Woodland Scenics "Latex Rubber" (YOLHS)
$224 bags of Arizona Rock & Mineral Co "Mauve C&NW Santa Fe" ballast (YOLHS)
$31 package of Johnson & Johnson "Rolled Gauze" (Ye Olde Local Grocery Store)
$61 package of Gold Medal Models "Downtown Business Sign" decals (YOLHS)
$182 A.I.M. Products "Double Track Cut Stone" Tunnel Portals (YOLHS)
$313 Pre-Size "Double, Cut Stone" Tunnel Portals (YOLHS)
$314 Pre-Size "Double, Random Stone" Tunnel Portal (YOLHS)
$202 8 oz jars of Golden Mediums "Fluid Matte Medium" (Ye Olde Local Art Supply Store)
$51 11 oz can of Elmer's "Spray Adhesive" (Ye Olde Local Hardware Store)
$81 Power Strip (Menard's)
$273 Pre-Size "Single, Cut Stone" Tunnel Portals (YOLHS)
$211 Miniatronics "Colored Incandescent Lamp Assortment" (YOLHS)
$91 Chooch Enterprises "Double Track Concrete" Tunnel Portal 2-pack (YOLHS)
$304 rolls of Woodlan Scenics "Paving Tape" (YOLHS)
$244 cartons of Woodlan Scenics "Smooth-It" (YOLHS)
$272 NJ International double-arm street lights (YOLHS)
$182 Model Power "RL-1250 Hobby Transformers" (eBay)
$202 ten-packs of Miniatronics 12V, 40mA, 2.4mm "Incandescent Lamps" (YOLHS)
$261 Miniatronics "Neon-Like Hotel Sign" (Miniatronics)
$331 Miniatronics "Power Distribution Block (PDB-2)" (YOLHS)
$101 2-pack of Pre-Size "Cut Stone Tunnel Abutments" (YOLHS)
$141 14.5 volt, 12 amp centertap electrical transformer (eBay)
$31 LM317T (276-1778) "Adjustable Voltage Regulator" (Radio Shack)
$42 4 packs of 8-amp, 250-volt fuses (270-1014) (Radio Shack)
$63 4 packs of Solder-Type Terminal Strips (274-688) (Radio Shack)
$4514 25-amp, 50-volt Full-Wave Bridge Rectifiers (276-1185) (Radio Shack)
$21 Anodized Aluminum Heat Sink (276-1368) (Radio Shack)
$21 35WVDC 1.0uF Tantalum Capacitor (272-1434) (Radio Shack)
$31 1k-Ohm, 15-turn, .75 watt Cermet Potentiometer (271-342) (Radio Shack)
$31 Inline Fuse Holder (270-1281) (Radio Shack)
$21 0.1uF, 250WVDC Metalized-Film Capacitor (272-1053) (Radio Shack)
$11 5 pack of 1/4-watt, 5% tolerance 220-Ohm Resistors (271-1313) (Radio Shack)
$21 2 pack of 300VAC, 30A Chassis-Type Fuse Holders (270-739) (Radio Shack)
$21 4 pack of 3/4-amp, 25-volt fuses (270-1004) (Radio Shack)
$122 4700uF Electrolytic Capacitors (272-1022) (Radio Shack)
$21 4 pack of 2-amp, 250-volt fuses (270-1007) (Radio Shack)
$1414 Miniatronics "Power Distribution Blocks (PDB-2)" (Miniatronics)
$42 2 packs of 100-Ohm Wirewound Resistors (Radio Shack)
$243 2 packs of Miniatronics "Full Globe Street Lampposts" (YOLHS)
$31 General-Purpose Component PC Board (276-149) (Radio Shack)
$52 General-Purpose Component PC Boards (276-150) (Radio Shack)
$144 4-packs of L-Brackets (used as heat sinks) (Ye Olde Local Hardware Store)
$61 25' spool of 18 gauge speaker wire (276-567) (Radio Shack)
$101 ten-pack of Miniatronics 14V, 80mA, 5.5mm "Incandescent Lamps" (YOLHS)
$102 bottles of Woodland Scenics "Burnt Umber" pigment (YOLHS)
$294 15' spools of Miniatronics 28 gauge, 2 conductor "Mini Wire" (YOLHS)
$21 4 packs of 10-amp, 250-volt fuses (270-1014) (Radio Shack)
$91 NJ International single-arm street light (YOLHS)
$322 Model Power Railroad Signals #8571 (YOLHS)
$31 bottle of Model Master "Rust" enamel paint (YOLHS)
$106 aluminum heat sinks (276-1363) (Radio Shack)
$12510 2 packs of Miniatronics "Full Globe Street Lampposts" (Miniatronics)
$422 Miniatronics "Green Double Park Light" (Miniatronics)
$806 2 packs of Miniatronics "Outdoor Building Lights" (Miniatronics)
$11 2 pack of 1 amp, 200 volt "IN4003 Micromini Silicon Diodes" (276-1102) (Radio Shack)
$51 2200uF, 35 volt "Electrolytic Capacitor" (272-1020) (Radio Shack)
$21 Grid-Style PC Board (276-150) (Radio Shack)
$41 tube of Blick Artist's "Red Oxide" acryclic paint (Ye Olde Local Art Supply Store)
$31 bottle of Model Master "Burnt Sienna" acrylic paint (YOLHS)
$301 Dallee Electronics "Crossing Flasher" (#367) (Dallee Electronics)
$31 spool of Model Power 3-Conductor wire (YOLHS)
$61 2-pack of GRS 2-pin "Micro Connectors" (YOLHS)
$51 GRS 2-pin, pre-wired "Micro Connector" (YOLHS)
$302 Miniatronics Single Highway Lights (Miniatronics)
$32 2-packs of 3 amp, 200piv "rectifer diodes" (276-1143) (Radio Shack)
$181 3-inch, 12vdc cooling fan (273-243B) (Radio Shack)
$121 package of 57 Woodland Scenics 2"-3" "Deciduous Tree Armatures" (YOLHS)
$282 packages Woodland Scenics "Fine-Leaf Foliage" (YOLHS)
$141 2-pack of Mini-Metals "59 Ford Fairlane 4-Door Yellow Cabs" (YOLHS)
$122 jars of Woodland Scenics "Hob-E-Tac" adhesive (YOLHS)
$813 Berkshire Junction traffic lights + controll board (Berkshire Junction)
$813 Berkshire Junction traffic lights + controll board (Berkshire Junction)
$5350 Parking Meters (Neal's N-Gauging Trains)
$151 10-pack of Miniatronics 1.5 volt, 40Ma 1.7 mm Incandescent Lamps (YOLHS)
$51 bottle of Floquil "Grimy Black" paint (YOLHS)
$91 package of Miniatronics 3/64" "Heat Shrink Tubing" (YOLHS)
$81 Atlas "Twin" controller (YOLHS)
$52 spools of Model Power "3 conductor" wire (YOLHS)
$41 package of Woodland Scenics "Light Green Bushes" (YOLHS)
$41 package of Woodland Scenics "Fine Turf - Yellow Grass" (YOLHS)
$71 package of Woodland Scenics "Blended Turf - Earth Blend" (YOLHS)
$131 70-pack of Woodland Scenics 2.5 inch - 4 inch "Pine Tree Armatures" (YOLHS)
$112 bottles of Woodland Scenics "Yellow Ocher" pigment (YOLHS)
$202 boxes of Woodland Scenics "Lightweight Hydrocal" (YOLHS)
$422 NJ International 3 Light Board w/LEDs signals (NJI)
$82 packages of Woodland Scenics "Fine Turf - Earth" (YOLHS)
$123 packages of Woodland Scenics "Underbrush - Olive Green" (YOLHS)
$142 bottles of Woodland Scenics "Scenic Cement" (YOLHS)
$172 bottles of Woodland Scenics "Realistic Water" (YOLHS)
$211 Athearn "Roadside Assistance Mack Truck" (YOLHS)
$483 packs of Gold Medal Models "Chain Link Fence w/ Barbed Wire & Gates" (MB Klein)
$82 packages of Woodland Scenics "Coarse Turf - Light Green" (YOLHS)
$211 2-pack of Classic Metal Works Mini-Metals "1978 Chevy Impalas" (YOLHS)
$361 NJ International "Straight Pole Semaphore" (NJI)
$41 package of Woodland Scenics "Underbrush - Light Green" (YOLHS)
$145Vehicles (Brooklyn Locomotive Works):
1 Atlas Ford Taurus 2-pack
3 Atlas Ford F-150 2-packs
2 Athearn Ford Cabover Stake Bed trucks
2 Athearn Ford C Box Vans
1 CMW Mini-Metals '59 Ford Fairlane 2-pack
1 CMW Mini-Metals Box Truck 2-pack
1 CMW Mini-Metals REA Truck w/Trailer 2-pack
1 Showcase Miniatures 30' Van Trailer
1 Showcase Miniatures Wally's Tow Truck
1 Showcase Miniatures 1/2 Ton Panel Delivery Truck
$71 can of lacquer thinner (Ace Hardware)
$52 bottles of Testors "Dark Blue" enamel paint (YOLHS)
$31 bottle of Testors paint thinner (YOLHS)
$82 packages of Woodland Scenics "Underbrush - Forest Blend" (YOLHS)
$222 5-packs of Noch Pine Trees (YOLHS)
$72 packages of Atlas "Hairpin Fence" (YOLHS)
$242 rolls of Berkshire Junction "EZ Line" (Berkshire Junction)
$111 pack of Woodland Scenics "Black Bears" figures (YOLHS)
$121 pack of Woodland Scenics "Fisherman" figures (YOLHS)
$156Vehicles and other details (gohobbies.com):
1 Athearn Mack Dump Truck
1 Atlas Ford Taurus 2-pack
2 Bachmann Telephone Pole 12-packs
2 Busch Audi 2-packs
1 CMW Mini-Metals '67 Ford Custom 500 2-pack
2 CMW Mini-Metals R-190 Tractor/Trailer set 2-packs
3 Kato Toyota 6-packs
2 Model Power "Park Scenes" packs
1 Wiking Volkswagon Passat 3-pack
$19522 assorted packs of Woodland Scenics figures (riograndehobbies.com)
$95Vehicles and figures (YOLHS):
1 Athearn Ford-C Box Truck
1 CMW Mini-Metals '67 Ford 2-pack
1 CMW Mini-Metals '78 Chevy 2-pack
5 assorted packs of Woodland Scenics figures
$482 12-packs of N Scale of Nevada Telephone Poles (NSON)
$212 Lo Cascio Originals Lighted Utility Poles (LCO)
$11Hong Kong tour bus (eBay)
$244 assorted dumpsters (rphobbies.com)
$8832 assorted CalFreight detail parts (eBay)
$212 Lo Cascio lit telephone poles (LCO)

N Scale Layout #4 - The Ultimate Roundy-Rounder

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