
Avalon Hill, 1982, 2-6 players, no age range specified so let's say 12 and up. In Titan, players get a bunch of low-level creatures that are organized into "armies". A die is rolled and that determines how far a player's armies may move. Movement is constrained by a series of one-way paths that branch and occasionally turn back upon themselves. Depending on the creature mix in an army and the terrain type landed on, an army may recruit another creature. The right number or combination of lower-level creatures enables one to recruit higher-level creatures. A few have magical powers.

When two armies fight, a small hex-grid game-board corresponding to the terrain type the clash occurs in is put out and the armies are broken down into individual creatures on the small board. The creatures duke it out by rolling some number of six-sided dice modified by relative power levels. A player who wins a battle gets points and every hundred points gained increases the power level of that player's titan. Killing an opposing player's titan drives them out of the game.

I'm not sure why I bought this game. I played it a long time ago and recall being pretty disappointed with it (actually, I recall vehemently hating it). The "strategy" part (roaming around the twisty paths picking up monsters) was boring and tedious, whereas the "tactical" part (the actual combat) was simply boring. Still, this game does have its die-hard adherants. Expect to pay $100 or more for a nice used copy on eBay (which is precisely where this one is headed).

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